Status: 4.032

April 24th 2018

Update 4.101: Safe-Mode

02.October 2018



If the Display is locked for access over OBD2, you still can activate the "Safe-Mode". For that just press the "Temperature-Icon" at the keypad-page. OBD2 is still free for use, but some values will be shown like Battery-Voltage, Water-, Oil- and Gearboxtemperatur.

Attention: To exit the Safe-Mode you need to press in the bottom left corner, 5 times within 2 seconds!



1. Main Menu



Water- and Oiltemperature is shown at most pages at the top right (the colors can be changed in the settings)

Carstatus: Open the first page of carstatus

Time measurement: Open the time measurement

Errorcodes: Menu to read and delete Errors from the engine control unit

Settings: Menu für different settings

"Info-Symbol": Shows display and controller versions and some more cardata (GPS, Fuel-Level and so on)

 "Brightness Symbol": Switch automatic - manual brightness controll (values can be changed in the settings)

"Lock-Symbol": This is very important if you want to have a connection to the car by OBD2-Port. For more informations click here.

"Power Off": This button is to turn off the display. The display is not locked by pressing this button!


2. Carstatus

Page 1 (Temperatures)


At the top the speed (calculated with the offset - see settings manual) is shown.



Intake temperature (IAT)

Exhaust temperature (calculated by the ECU). If more than one "Bank" the display always shows the higher value.

Boardnetwork voltage

Accelerator position (if limiter is active, it shows the virtual accelerator position)

Gearbox temperature (not available for manual gearbox)



Page 2 (Power / Torque)


Shows Power, Torque and actual Boost for charged engines.

Shows Power, Torque and Airmass for non charged engines.

Press the button for the page at the bottom again to switch the position of the values (bargraphs).


Page 3 (Engine Values)


In this picture as an example there are values of a N54 engine with external oilpressure sensor.

Lambda Bank 1, Lambda Bank 2, Ignition angle (Cylinder 1), Fuelpressure (not at Z4 E89 available), Railpressure and oilpressure (external sensor).

Other engines may have different values like Oilash, Sootmass, Airmass ...


Page 4 (G-Force)


Top: Water- and oiltemperature

Actual speed (calculated with offset)

Longtitude and Latitude acceleration. White text is actual value and orange text is the maximum reached value and stays for about 5 seconds.


Page 5 (customizable pages)



By default (factory) the dashboard is empty. You can choose which values you want to see.

Press and hold the button (dashboard icon) at the bottom until the setup opens.

This button has two functions. Short press (switch to the next customizable page) and Long press (open the setup for the actual open page):

Small gear symbol: Long press opens the setup

Multiscreen Symbol: Short press opens the next page


Dashboard Setup:


Press the button and go through all available values. The position of the button is also the position where the value will be shown.

The values will be saved, no need to setup all the time.


Dashboard with choosen values:



The second page is the Dashbar.

This page has 3 bargraphs, actual value and maximum value.

The Setup is the same as for the Dashboard (long press)



The third page is the Diagram page.

Up to 4 values can be shown as a graphic including maximum values (left side) and actual values (bottom).


 Page 5 (Maximum Values)


This page shows:

- The maximum reached torque

- The maximum reached power (including the torque and rpm where the maximum power was)

- The maximum reached boost pressure (in some cases there will be a too high pressure because there was a peak when the throttle close faster than the pressure will be blown off)

- The maximum reached Inlet Air Temperature (IAT)

- The maximum reached speed (if offset was done good, real value not wrong car-speed)


Maximum Values Page 2


Press the button in the bottom again to open the second page of the maximum values.

Actual there are these values (will be inceased in future updates)

- The maximum airmass

- The maximum rpm

- The maximum target boost pressure


3. Time measurement

0-60 mph time measurement


The time starts as soon as the speed is over start speed (0 mph).

Timeout is after 30 seconds or when speed is 0 again.


Actual Speed


Shifttime (only manual gearbox) as long as the clutch sensor detects that the clutch is pressed.

The last 4 times.


60 - 120 mph Time


Press the menu-button "60" to open the 60-120 mph time measurement.

The time starts when the speed is over 60 mph.


Custom Time (Choose your own speed range to measure a time)



1/4 Mile Time


The time starts as soon as the speed is over 0.00 mph


- Actual speed

- Time

- Speed at the end of 1/4 mile

- distance

- average acceleration

- Shifttime (only manual gearbox) as long as the clutch sensor detects that the clutch is pressed

- Last 4 times

Press the button 1/4 in the bottom menu to switch between 1/4, 1/2 and 1/8 mile




The time starts by pressing the Start-Button (press again to stop the time)


- Actual speed

- Actual time

- Actual distance

- Shifttime (only manual gearbox) as long as the clutch sensor detects that the clutch is pressed

- Last 4 times

The button round sets the time and distance back, the actual time will be written to the top of the last times.


4. Errorcodes

In this menu you can read the first 4 ECU error codes and delete them.

It is planed (in future updates) that all error codes in all control units are displayed.


Left symbol: Read the error code (0000 at first Error means that no error is active)

Right symbol: Delete actual error (0000 at first Error indicates that the deleting was successful) 



5. Settings:

Menu with available settings: Boot, Features, Global and System.

If a text is blue, it has more functions, press it to open / change the function.

If the scrollbar on the right side is half white, the page will scroll up/down by pressing the scrollbar.

Boot settings:

The Bootsettings are for functions during the boot up (ignition on).


The functions can vary depending on the engine and cartype.

Press the checkbox to activate/deactivate the function.

OBD2 blocking:

This function is only enableable when a PIN was given (main menu - lock symbol). If OBD2 blocking is activated it is hard to get access to the ECU and the CAS by the OBD2 Port. This should make it harder for thiefs to steel the car by i.e. create a key-copy. If this function is activated every time the car will be opened the PIN is needed to deactivate the OBD2 Blocker and activate the display.

Boot last pagee:

Boots up with the last page which was open.

Needle Sweep:

Will sweep the speed and rpm needle to a value which can be chosen by pressing the menu test "Needle Sweep".


Sets the DTC / DSC function to the selected value after ignition is switched on.

Soundtuning off:

Some F-Series engines do have this feature by default on. The DataDisplay is able to deactivate this function. "Soundtuning" will do some "pop/bang" out of the exhaust.


Feature settings:

In this settings you can select some more features for sensors and or special devices.



If you installed the relay extension board you have to activate this option. You can control up to 4 relays. New icon will appear in the main menu. Mit dem DataDisplay lassen sich mit unserer Relaisplatine bis zu 4 externe Relais ansteuern. Ist die Funktion aktiviert erscheint im Hauptmenü ein weiterer Punkt mit dem sich das Ansteuerungsmenü öffnen lässt.


If your car has an exhaust flap you can activate this option to control the exhaust flap (open/close/auto) in the main menu of the DataDisplay. There is also an option to control the exhaust flap over the steering wheel buttons (MFL-Setup).

Oiltemperature Sensor:

Some Diesel Engines (E-Series) do not have the oiltemperature mapped to the ECU. In that case you need our external oiltemperature sensor and activate this option.

Ext. Oilpressure Sensor:

Activates the external oilpressure sensor.


Activates the shiftlight function. (detailed instruction follows).

Exhaust temperature sensor:

It is possible to connect external exhaust temperature sensors to the DataDisplay.

TMAP Sensor scaled:

A function usually used by N54 engines with a different 3.5 bar TMAP Sensor. If the map scales the boost pressure to have more than 1.5 bar pressure you need also to activate this function to see the real values. Normally the map has up to 10 psi the same pressure range and above only the half of the real pressure.


F-Series function. The option suppresses the catalyst error if the downpipes do not have the original catalyst inside. 

Limits activated:

The Limits are at Beta-Status at the moment. With the limits you can switch relays in combination with a lot cardata values or just give a Warning in case some values are under or above your limits. If everything works fine this instruction will be updated.


Global Settings:



Shows the status of the activation (should be always green - activated).

Color Setup:

In this menu you can choose the color range of each color (red, yellow, green) for Water-, Oil and Intake Air Temperature.

Speed Offset:

The speed offset is very important if you want accurate time measurement. Details later.

Torque Offset:

If the torque shown in the Display is not your correct torque you can change the factor here.


System Settings:


Units / Language:

Change the Units (bar/psi, °C/°F and so on) and the language.


The Reinit let you start from scratch by choosing language, cartype, gearbox and so on. All settings will still be there.


Reboot the DataDisplay.

Factory Reset:

All settings will be deleted and the Display starts with the first installation.


Eine spezielle Seite die es dem Support erleichtert Fehler bei Kunden zu finden.

Motor M57TU / M57TU2:

Eine wichtige Einstellung für Fahrzeuge mit dem M57TU Motor. Standardwert ist M57TU2, sollte es sich bei dem Fahrzeug um einen M57TU handeln muss diese Einstellung umgestellt werden damit alle Werte angezeigt werden.

JB4 verbaut / nicht verbaut:

E-Serie Option. Sollte ein JB4-Leistungsbox verbaut sein muss diese Option aktiviert werden. Es werden dann viele Werte nicht mehr funktionieren da das DataDisplay sonst in Konflikt mit dem JB4 kommt.